Study for Success

                                Study for Success

How to Study for Success

Sunday Adeniran - 18/11/2017

Number of students will continue to increase in schools just as population also continues to increase all over the world. The increase in students population means more personnels, equipment and other infrastructures. But it is good to note that many countries are not prepared for this improvement. The result has been inadequate personnels and infrastructure in schools, crime and poverty in the society and truancy and poor performance of students among others. Among all these chaos how will you study and still pass.

Be active in the class
When you go to class be prepared to take note and actively participate in every class activities. When the teacher is teaching take down notes. You should learn the basic method of note taking. As you listen, so you write the note. These must go together. Some students are found of day dreaming in the class or using their phones to make calls or hear music, no good students must do this.

Revise what you are taught
Before the next class, make sure you adequately revised all what you were taught in the previous class. At the beginning of every lesson, the teacher will always asks questions about the last lesson. Make sure you have correct responses to these questions.

Read more
Remember that the teacher is to guide and to give the summary of the note to you. It is always good that you find other materials to add to the teachers' note. You will get ideas in different forms in other texts.

Practice how to answer questions
After you have read other peoples work on a given topic, go to exercises and answer questions. Practice enough questions before test or examination.

Have a scheduled time for study
Students must study every day and every time. Draw time table of your subjects and when to study them. You must do more than reading, but following by heart what you read, putting down summaries on them and solving questions.

Your teacher is your mentor
Do not hate nor disrespect your teacher. Give him his full respect and obey him. See him as a good leader and be ready to work with him.

At home
Create enough time to study at home. Beware of misuse of phone, TV, music, computer and any other things that can distract your attention. Follow your schedule.

Study group
Join a study group of your choice, but the serious one. You can learn a lot from other students especially during discussions. Have a scheduled time for discussing your subject with your group members. Play the game according to the rules. Those concepts that are difficult for you could be discussed with your friends, exploit this opportunity.

Learn from others
Learn from students are having high marks in the class and how they study. Study these students and learn to perform better than them.

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