Blogger for Life

Croaking My Creed

The year 2013 was the year I was desperately looking for how to send materials on line. I have read so much about people's work and was looking forward to when I will also have mine on line. So many considerations I made that year but nothing worked. In 2014 I attended workshops that promised to turn things around for me. But all I was introduce to were coding and codings. I almost completely drop the idea of developing my own website. But I think that with man's technology software that can handle coding should have been developed to make website development easier for an average man. So I started exploring the net. I am one of those that frequently visits the web to get information in it various forms and possibly use it to engage other people, so I am used to the net. Just three years ago, somewhere on the Internet I learn I can also develop my own website and especially for free.
I started to explore the Net on how I may get that done.   
Initially it looked like a mirage and impossible with my 'no web' skill. I then discussed it with a man who directed me to use

That faithful Saturday afternoon, I put my gadgets together and started searching for directly from Google. I must have clicked many links before I was ushered into what I want.

With no body around me to guide, I started to explore the interface. It did no even occurred to me to look for tutorial online. Before I could put the first page on line, it took me days. But then I have no idea about what the contents should, I just did something which I will never forget in my life.

It was both joy and jubilation for me that I can croak my creed loud on the net. 
Blogging is part time for me and it made my progress very slow. But I still love this virtue and hope one day I will join the business line.

Over the  years I have learnt on many of my mistakes. But I did not allow any silly mistakes to weigh me down. I think day and night on where to go and what to do to persist in this nerve breaking experiment. The closer you get to the task the more you enjoy it.

The first person I made contact with still continue to ask about my blogging experience. To get acquainted with this environment, use it. Diligently you will understand how to study for success.
It is then you will see the result of your sleepless night as it grows and still growing. 
To get your free website, go to it is free.
A box will be opened for you to click.

Click create your blog without wavering! Don't worry nothing will break.  

Then provide the necessary information as you continue.Simply follow other instructions and you are there!

What a blogger needs most to do is research. Find out more information about all your areas of need. You need information about your contents, theme or template, domain name, how to reach your audience and how to maintain you blog.

You really need to work hard!

WHAT IS RESEARCH?                                                
The word “research” means searching again. 

It means to search for something new or to get more knowledge about it.

 Kerlinger (1964) define scientific research as the systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical prepositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomenon.

Leady and Ormrod (2008) define research as a process through which we attempt to achieve systematically and with the support of data the answer to a question, the resolution of a problem, or a greater understanding of a phenomenon.
Mangal (2013) define research as a tool or means comprising a well-thought scientific process or method of investigation carried out through some definite steps for realizing the purposes or objectives of the research such as gaining new knowledge or bringing changes in the existing stock contributing towards some theoretical generalizations or solution of the confronting problems, and/or utilizing them for the needed practical application.

The scientific method is an approach or method used for discovering the facts and solving the problems by employing a series of logical objectives and systematic steps.

Types of Research Design
1.      Quazi Experimental Research
(a)   One short design
(b)  Pretest – post test design
(c)   Static group design
2.      True experimental design
(a)   Post test control group design
(b)  Pretest-posttest control group design
(c)   Solomon four group design.
3.      Expost-Facto Design

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